Seminario - QLT 450 EN
SPC - Statistical Process Control
Initiative available in English for in-house custom editions
Addressed to:
Production managers, Process and quality control technicians
Key Objectives
- Provide skills to set up and implement process control during industrialization and production stages
- Be able to set self-control policies
Core Content
- Provide skills to set up and implement process control during industrialization and production stages
- Be able to set self-control policies
Definition and goal of the SPC
- The production process as the interaction of machine, man, material, methods, environment
- From defect detection to defect prevention
Elements of statistics for SPC
- The concept of process variability
- Data collection to be used
- Position and dispersion measurements
- Data representation: frequency histograms, time graphs
- The normal (Gaussian) distribution and non-normal distributions
- The concept of process capability
- The preliminary capability of the Pp/Ppk process.
The control charts by variable
- Construction and interpretation of the most common control charts (X/R, I/R)
- Calculation of the capacity of a stable process through Cp/Cpk indices in the case of normal and nonnormal processes
The control charts by attributes
- The "p," "np," "c," and "u" cards: applicability, construction, and interpretation
Process control with autocorrelated data
- Data autocorrelation and its influence on traditional control charts
- Autocorrelation present in bulk processes or processes with high sampling rates (Industry 4.0)
- Autocorrelated processes and their differences from processes that produce distinct units of products
- Overview of the most common control charts for autocorrelated processes